Sustainability Self-Assessment Questionnaire (ESRM)

This tool is designed to engender thinking and discussion about issues relating to digital curation in your organisation as it is understood at a particular point in time.  It's probably best to approach it in two stages.  Firstly, have a look at the questions and think about how the issues apply to you (you may wish to type your thoughts into a document to enable you to cut and paste later without worrying about time outs). When you have considered your responses go on line and do the self assessment.

We have put this self assessment on line knowing full well that your thinking and responses will change over time as circumstances change. In addition, our thinking will change and as a result the self assessment will evolve.  To get the most from the tool we expect that you will want to repeat the exercise a number of times.  We have therefore designed it to be persistent.  If you choose to register, you will be able to return to previous response sets and review your answers. You can still use the tool without registering and, if you enter your email address, the responses will be emailed to you.  It is also possible to do the assessment anonymously (but if you do you won't get the email with the responses).  In addition, if you register we can tell you when new versions of the self assessment are available.

What now?

Firstly, as suggested above, download the PDF version of the assessment and read it.  If you're going to register we suggest you do so now as the process isn't instantaneous. You can do so by clicking on the link above or by clicking here after you've finished reading.

If you're ready to proceed then click here. This is version 1 based upon the one presented at iPres in September.  Version 1.01 will follow in the near future.

You can do it as many times as you wish there is an option to enter a reference on each attempt to help you keep track.

4C Sustainability Self-Assessment Questionnaire (ESRM) - V1.0 (490.89 kB)

Proceed to self assessment