D4.5 - From Costs to Business Models

'Requirements for digital curation are developing rapidly. The speed of change is dictated in part by technological progress that leads to changing file formats and storage technologies. At the same time, more and more data is being produced and collected. To ensure the value and opportunities for reuse and future exploitation of data new business models are needed to ensure the economic survival of the organisations which look after data.'

Executive Summary

This deliverable discusses business models for digital curation. It helps organisations to understand the requirements and drivers for curation services from a supplier and demand side. We investigated existing services and have developed guidelines to address new business opportunities. Implementation of our findings would facilitate an organisation’s strategic planning for curation services through an improved understanding of services, streamlining and improvement of those services, planning for new collaborations, and identifying new business opportunities.

The ease of use of a Business Model Canvas (BMC) template and the visual representation of essential building blocks makes it suitable for strategic discussions of digital curation business models. A BMC provides an effective approach to identify and meet supply and demand side requirements through associating the identified customer segments with appropriate value propositions. In this report a template is used to present a sample of existing business models in digital curation. The key aspects of these business models are used to synthesise templates that encompass common properties and key aspects. A key application for this work is the identifying of value propositions which address the requirements of previously identified customer segments.

Other 4C project findings feed into the discussion of curation business models in this report. Findings about stakeholders clarify the situation of the various actors within the curation market. The evaluation of existing cost models identified gaps and needs that also contribute to the understanding of market dynamics. The assessment of indirect economic determinants provides further understanding of indirect benefits that can be fed into the business model canvas as value propositions. These and other findings are used in this report to improve understanding of the characteristics of digital curation and its potential business models.

Existing business models form the basis for completing templates and creating guidelines to develop and adapt new business models. In order to address new business opportunities a brief structural overview of the market is provided, and the landscape of different types of solutions explained. Guidelines support the community in developing completely new business models and provide additional information for adapting and adjusting business model canvases. The effects of changing elements of the canvas and the consequences for related elements are shown. Examples for new business models help readers of this deliverable to understand how these business modelling processes can be applied. This report increases the understanding of the key aspects of curation business solutions, and helps to identify and plan for new potential business opportunities.

D4.5 From Costs to Business Models (1.74 MB)